As much as we like to surf, being exposed to the sun for long periods have negative side effects on our skin. Surfmeimei uses surf hats and tons of sunblock, but we still cannot avoid getting sunburns, wrinkles (especially crow’s feet!!!), brown spots and other signs of aging skin. To prevent sunburn and unnecessary wrinkles, Surfmeimei likes to use natural, effective and CHEAP ways to care for our delicate skin! We are sharing one of our basic natural remedy for skin protection – Aloe Vera!
Category: HOW TO
Product: Aloe vera plant
Price: An aloe vera plant costs under $6. It can be found at local nurseries, Walmart or Kmart type stores; An aloe vera stem is about $2 in supermarkets and/or health food stores
- Remedy for sunburn and wounds
- Remedy for skin rash, bug bites and any uncomfortable skin problems
- Moisturizing / cleaning skin
- When ingested, it aids digestion and has many other benefits
You can unpeel the aloe vera with a knife, or better yet, cut off a portion of the stem and leave it in refrigerator for at least an hour before unpeeling. The cold aloe vera will be very refreshing on the skin.
How to extract aloe vera:
- Cut off a small section of an aloe vera stem, about the length of your pinky finger will be enough.
- Peel / cut open the green skin of the plant from the transparent looking center part of the plant.
Parts to use:
A. The aloe vera gel underneath the green skin
B. The backside of the green skin where there is usually a residue of slimy film.
C. The slimy film between the green skin and the transparent gel.
How to apply aloe vera on skin:
- Apply any of the parts mentioned above directly onto your face or any desired part of your skin
- Spread the slimy juice evenly
- Leave it to dry
- Wash it with water, and if needed pat with a face cloth to dry.
How to use aloe vera for facial with honey:
You will need to lie down or tilt your head backward for at least 10 minutes.
- Cut off the center transparent gel/meat part with its juice and put it in a cup
- Add one teaspoon of honey into the cup
- Mix aloe and honey (press the mixture and mush it down, so the juice will come out)
- Refrigerate the mixture for at least 15 minutes (optional)
- Tilt your head backward, and apply the mixture (glue/juice part ok) by the back of the spoon or fingers onto face. Apply all over your face but avoid your areas near around eyes.
- Lie down and wait for 5-10 minutes until your face feel tight.
- Wash off with water (and/or face cloth).
- Apply toner and moisture as normal
You can use Aloe Vera as much as needed. I have extremely sensitive skin, so I use almost at least once a day after surfing in tropical countries. A good way to prepare for your facial is by sticking a stem or two in the fridge first. After you come back from surfing, cut a small piece, and apply onto your face. It is a very easy way to reduce sun damage.
“There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”
– Helena Rubenstein
Our skin is the largest and most vulnerable organ of our body.
Taking an easy extra step will make us feel great without costing much!
[…] How to use Aloe Vera on Sun-kissed Skin […]
thank you!
Love this all natural body/facial treat! They are the best
ME TOO! it tastes yummy with agave too!