Setting intentions is a powerful way to release your desires to the universe. The cycle of the moon is a powerful tool for intentional living. When the moon is full, it holds promise and light, illuminating what was once dark. This is the perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you, and set intentions for the month to come.

I began this practice in Bali during the full moon in July. The day had been particularly rainy and clouds hung low in the sky. I was weighed down by a particular sense of inner pessimism. I wanted to alter my mood, and continue my trip with more intention. What I needed was a bolt of inspiration. An article about the full moon popped up in my news feed, and I was curious to research more on the grace and power a full moon can provide.

Since that night was the full moon, I decided to practice some of the tools I had read about. I also wanted to personalize my research, adding my own twist to these tools from previous experience. I wanted to harness the powerful lunar energy as the moon peeked through the clouds.

This is how the evening went…


Meditate: I meditated on the coming month. I sat with my breath asking “What do I want?” and “What do I need to release?” I thought of what had transpired in my life and the struggles I was encountering. The answers emerged through the silence.

Intention: I listed my intentions for the month, focusing on what I wanted to spend the next 30 days creating, changing and manifesting.

Visualize: With each intention, I visualized what the outcome looked like. For instance, I wanted to become more positive about the rain. I visualized myself happy, content and embracing the incessant rain spilling from the sky. I saw myself walking underneath the storm clouds, stepping over and inside puddles with a smile on my face. I did this with each intention on my list.

Release: I wrote down the things I wanted to release and the things that no longer served me on bits of paper and burned them. If this is not an option, simply tearing up the paper and throwing the pieces away will suffice.

Gratitude: To seal the ritual, I offered gratitude. This is important, especially when setting intentions. The universe is constantly listening to our deepest desires. When we take a step towards actualizing them, we need to offer thanks. Gratitude is powerful, and will lead to transformation if we practice it.


I have continued this practice every month on the night of the full moon. It is fascinating to look at the things that have happened since beginning this practice. Deciding to live intentionally has created a sense of calm deep inside of me. I live with a greater sense of peace knowing that the universe has my back and is listening in on my deepest desires.

March’s full moon is known as the “Worm Moon” and also “Lenten Moon,” since the ground is beginning to thaw and it is the last full moon of winter. This is a good time to look at what spiritual seeds we can plant. Is there an area that is ready for growth or change? What can you do to feed/nourish this part of you?



Who is Emily Silva? A gypsy soul, spiritual life coach and writer.

Where is her favorite travel destination? Costa Rica. Beaches, jungles, wildlife and beautiful friendly people…doesn’t get any better than that!

Where is her dream destination? Africa. I dream of Morocco and Cape Town often.

Motto in life? Never say Never. You never know what can happen…most of the time its awesome!

Emily specializes in life coaching from a spiritual level with focus on intentional living and creative expression. She helps people with career transitions, setting and achieving life goals and developing their intuition. For more on her spiritual and life coaching, go to